Marriage Tips

Social media use in relationships

How should couples use Social Media?

    Social Media has become an everyday part of life that continues to impact marriages across this world. Couples...
Preventing divorce

Can divorce be prevented?

The fifty percent divorce rate in the United States indicates that couples must do something different to remain married. Many...
Evolution of dating

How dating has evolved?

New dating trends could prove detrimental to those seeking long lasting relationships that eventually lead to the benefits of Holy...

How can couples maintain a romantic Marriage?

Couples that have relationship challenges can offset the “for worst” by maintaining a romantic marriage. Without the romance, many couples are one...

Why does micro cheating cause divorce?

Micro cheating is the new fad that is leading many couples to divorce court. Since divorce is never the end that...

How to overcome marriage boredom?

Marriage boredom is the match that can light the fire which ends in divorce. Spouses can begin to contemplate such acts...

How to save a failing marriage?

Many couples promise “to death do us part” and continue to have challenges which results in a failing marriage. Marriage is the...

How should single men prepare for marriage?

Alarming divorce rates, constant child custody battles, and children who are left out in the cold without both parents at...