Finding Mrs. Right

As boys grow into adulthood, they begin to entertain thoughts of finding Mrs. Right to spend the reset of their lives with. It can become a long and fulfilling journey as well as a journey of sorrow. Men must be very deliberate in their efforts to find Mrs. Right otherwise they can end up being a casualty ending in divorce court.

In most cases, the journey for Mrs. Right begins with a physical attraction. My experience has told me that physical attraction does not work. Once you get used to the person you begin to notice all of their physical imperfections. For example, once a you see a woman without her makeup, you will be able to see all of her pimples, facial hair, and other imperfections. According to a Texas A&M University professor and a New York University professor, body shape and the way a person walks are the two pertinent factors regarding physical attractiveness.

What men must do, if they are looking for Mrs. Right, is that they first must ensure that they know their purpose in life and then they must follow the path that God has given them.

According to Genesis 2:15, when God made Adam, He put Adam in the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep.

And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it (Genesis 2:15).

The word dress in the Hebrew is ‘abad. This means to work as a servant. The word keep in the Hebrew is shamar. It means to protect. God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to work as a servant and to protect the resources that were provided to Adam.

This is the same for men. You must first know the area that you are to serve in and then you must become a good steward over the resources that God has provided.

The first step in determining your area of servitude is to determine your Spiritual Gift.

Spiritual Gifts are endowments given by the Holy Spirit.

Romans 12:6 – 8 provides the examples of Spiritual Gifts:

  • Prophecy
  • Serving
  • Teaching
  • Exhortation
  • Giving
  • Leadership
  • Mercy

1 Corinthians 12: 8 – 10 provides the following Spiritual Gifts:

  • Word of wisdom
  • Word of knowledge
  • Faith
  • Gifts of healings
  • Miracles
  • Prophecy
  • Distinguishing between spirits
  • Tongues
  • Interpretation of tongues

1 Corinthians 12:28 provide examples of the following Spiritual Gifts:

  • Apostle
  • Prophet
  • Teacher
  • Miracles
  • Kinds of healings
  • Helps
  • Administration
  • Tongues

Ephesians 4:11 provides examples of the following Spiritual Gifts:

  • Apostle
  • Prophet
  • Evangelist
  • Pastor
  • Teacher

1 Peter 4:11 provides examples of the following Spiritual Gifts:

  • Whoever speaks
  • Whoever renders service

Once you have determined your Spiritual Gift, then you must determine your area of service. The mistake that most men make is that they put the demands of society in front of God’s design for their life. They would rather work a job rather than depend on God to provide for them. Men will go as far a refusing to attend church and have a relationship with God but instead place a premium of things such as exercise, education, watching sports, and an assortment of other activities.

The next step is that the man must be a good steward over the resources that God has provided. In most cases, this includes family and money. You must be a tither and giver. There is no way that God can entrust additional resources such as a wife and your are note a good steward over your own money or over your family such as your siblings.

The next stage is that you must have the determination to obey God. One of the most challenging areas of obedience for men is in the area of premarital sex. Men are taught to sexually conquer women.

Many critics and skeptics argue that the Holy Bible does not say anything about premarital sex. According to Matthew 19:4 – 5 & Genesis 1:27, 2:24, sex is for marriage only. The real issue that men of God have to consider is that if you tell a woman that you are a man of God and then have sex with her you are actually telling her that you are a liar. If you are looking for Mrs. Right you must adhere to the process outlined above.

Related Articles

How To Find Mrs Right: What to Ask

6 Signs That She Is Mrs. Right

His Checklist for Ms. Right (Even if He Doesn’t Know It)

Dr. Derrick and Mrs. Sheila Campbell PO Box 1668 Blackwood, NJ 08012 (856) 566-3267


Published books – Leading Your Marriage into the Promised Land -Leading Your Marriage into the Promised Land (Workbook for husbands & Wives) – Advanced Marriage Training for Singles

All Three Advanced 2


“I was blessed by the love and sensitivity that you and your wife showed during the presentation”.


Bishop Joseph P. Ravenell

Samaritan Baptist Church

Trenton, NJ “I would highly recommend you to any church or organization desiring to provide their people with timely marital wisdom and practical application skills”.


Dr. James E. Woods, II

El Shaddia Christian Assembly

Philadelphia, PA

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