What marriage tips will help a wife to stay connected to their husband?

In a recent article, an author proposes ten marriage tips that will enable the wife to stay connected to their husband. Many of these suggestions can help any marriage. The ultimate marriage tips for a wife who desires to stay connected to their husband includes continuing as an ultimate team player as God has designed you.

According to the article, the 10 marriage tips include:

  1. Establish your marriage as the primary relationship in your family
  2. Control your family’s schedule, rather than letting it control you
  3. Make time to talk every day
  4. Go to bed at the same time, every night if possible but at least several times a week
  5. Make love regularly
  6. Set one evening a week as “parents’ night.”
  7. Plan at least one face-to-face activity (which many women prefer) and one side-by-side activity (which many men prefer) every week
  8. Do some everyday tasks or errands together
  9. Exercise together
  10. Plan regular dates

What scriptures will provide the marriage tips that wives can use to stay connected to their husbands?

The Law of First Mention

The law of first mention may be said to be the principle that requires one to go to that portion of the Scriptures where a doctrine is mentioned for the first time and to study the first occurrence of the same in order to get the fundamental inherent meaning of that doctrine. When we thus see the first appearance, which is usually in the simplest form, we can then examine the doctrine in other portions of the Word that were given later. We shall see that the fundamental concept in the first occurrence remains dominant as a rule, and colors all later additions to that doctrine. In view of this fact, it becomes imperative that we understand the law of first mention.

The first of all marriage tips that God provides for wives who desire to stay connected to their husbands is found in Genesis 2: 18.

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him (Genesis 2:18).

That main marriage tip for wives who desire to stay connect to their husband is to be their helpmate.

A helpmate is a team player. Priscilla is a good example for a wife who was a great team player in the bible.


As Priscilla is always paired with her husband, Aquila, in the bible. They labored together in the service of the church. They walked as one for they had mutually agreed to put Christ first. Priscilla and Aquilla are never mentioned apart.

With Nabal and Abigail we have a sad illustration of husband and wife who had nothing in common, who were diametrically opposed to each other in character, and in whom sordidness and sublimity were associated. But with Aquila and Priscilla it was so different, for like Zacharias and Elisabeth they, too, were “both righteous” and like them, manifested a union, idyllic in its full-orbed loveliness and charm. Because the Bible is everybody’s Book, it is the married people’s Book revealing how the Aquilas and Priscillas can live happily together.

This Christian couple were one in their experience of God’s saving power, and so became one in their holy zeal for the Saviour, and in their service for His church. They were partners in faithful endeavors, not only to present Christ by lip, but also in the excellency of their walk and conversation.

What romance, love and blending of personalities are associated with such an ordinary phrase as “Aquila … with his wife Priscilla.” How interesting it would be to know where and how they met, fell in love with each other and married! As nothing is said about any children that through the years came to grace their lovely home, we can take it that Priscilla was childless. From the record we have of Aquila and Priscilla their story is a beautiful idyll of home life. Together from the time of their marriage they are always named together, and were inseparable. What a pleasant picture of wedded love they present! To these two, wedlock was a divine ordinance and indissoluble union, and one which halved their sorrows and doubled their joys. They were not unequally yoked together but joined in the Lord.

In the truest sense, Aquila and Priscilla were “no more twain but one flesh,” and all that they covenanted to accomplish together from the hour of their marriage vows was realized as the result of the perfect unity of the spiritual, nature of purpose, and of aim. As twin stars, Aquila and Priscilla were “bright with borrowed rays divine.” They moved in one orbit and were united in all their labors as well as in their love. With Nabal and Abigail we have a sad illustration of husband and wife who had nothing in common, who were diametrically opposed to each other in character, and in whom sordidness and sublimity were associated. But with Aquila and Priscilla it was so different, for like Zacharias and Elisabeth they, too, were “both righteous” and like them, manifested a union, idyllic in its full-orbed loveliness and charm. Because the Bible is everybody’s Book, it is the married people’s Book revealing how the Aquilas and Priscillas can live happily together.

The book of Luke informs us that “by their occupation they were tentmakers” (Acts 18:3). This must have added to Paul’s delight in living with Aquila and Priscilla for he was of the same craft, and at times supported himself in this way (Acts 20:34; 1 Thessalonians 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:8). When not preaching and teaching we can imagine Paul, Aquila and Priscilla sitting together in Aquila’s shop as they plied their needles and fashioned or repaired tents. Aquila and Priscilla shared the duties of their workshop. They were not ashamed of manual toil. Proud of their craft, we can believe that the product of their joint labors was known for its excellent quality.

One of the most impressive aspects of the spiritual influence of Priscilla and Aquila was the way in which these two simple souls with a deep knowledge of Christian truth were used to open the eyes of a great Alexandrian divine to the reality of the Gospel. The eloquent and fervent Apollos with all his brilliance and power suffered a sorry limitation as a preacher. He knew only “the baptism of John” (Acts 18:25, 26). He knew nothing of salvation through the cross and the accompaniments of salvation. The larger truths of the Gospel of Redemption were as yet unknown to him. Priscilla and Aquila followed the crowds who went to hear this most popular and persuasive preacher.

As they listened, Priscilla and her husband detected the negative defects of the preaching of Apollos. He taught no positive error, denied no essential of the faith. What he preached was true as far as it went. Apollos knew the truth, but not all the truth, and so in the quiet way, with all humility, Priscilla and Aquila set about correcting the apparent deficiency of Apollos. Inviting him to their home they passed no word of criticism on what they had heard him preach but with consummate tact instructed him Biblically in the truth of the crucified, risen and glorified Saviour. “They expounded unto him the way of God more carefully” (asv).

What was the result of that Bible course which Apollos received from those two godly, Spirit-enlightened believers? Why, Apollos became so mighty in the Gospel that he was called an apostle. In fact, he became so effective as a true gospel preacher that some of the Corinthians put him before Peter and Paul. But all that Apollos became he owed, under God, to the quiet instruction of Priscilla and Aquila. In Apollos, Christ gained a preacher whose spiritual influence was second only to Paul himself. Says Alexander Whyte in his chapter dealing with Aquila, Priscilla and Apollos.

The most important of all marriage tips for a wife who desires to stay connected to her husband is to be the ultimate team player.

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Dr. Derrick and Mrs. Sheila Campbell PO Box 1668 Blackwood, NJ 08012 (856) 566-3267 www.advancedmarriagetraining.com


Published books – Leading Your Marriage into the Promised Land -Leading Your Marriage into the Promised Land (Workbook for husbands & Wives) – Advanced Marriage Training for Singles

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“I was blessed by the love and sensitivity that you and your wife showed during the presentation”.


Bishop Joseph P. Ravenell

Samaritan Baptist Church

Trenton, NJ “I would highly recommend you to any church or organization desiring to provide their people with timely marital wisdom and practical application skills”.


Dr. James E. Woods, II

El Shaddia Christian Assembly

Philadelphia, PA

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